29 June 2010

Got the new computer.

I went with an HP that was on sale for $450 at Best Buy. Which of course ended up being like $620 when I got the Geek Squad protection crap. Whatever. I also bought an air conditioner. So my place was all cleaned up on Saturday, and then Sunday I bring more crap home. C'est la vie. A friend came for dinner on Saturday night and was impressed by my tomato sauce, and as well she asked how I have as much stuff as I do in my studio apartment. Borrowing a term from a recent president, it takes a great amount of "strategery" to have that many belongings in that apartment. For sure. (Also, that is one of my projects this summer - de-materializing.)

I am hoping that I get my money's worth out of this laptop I bought. I am already fairly pleased - let's hope it lasts at least a couple of years.

22 June 2010

Online dating

Online dating is going about as well as trying to find someone "in real life." Maybe I'm on the wrong site, have a lame profile or bad pictures. I just don't want to put that much effort into it. People already spend so much time on the computer or smartphone. When I go home I often end up on the computer again but I'm not exactly stoked about that...

Interacting with guys who are safely behind a computer screen is interesting. Sometimes you learn a lot in a few short messages. Recently a guy gave me his phone number and said I could text him if I want to. But I was content with continuing to exchange messages on the website and after I told him that, the response I got was something like, "This line is gay....peace out lol." ...Which tells me what I need to know right there.

21 June 2010


I'm still alive! Once I get a new computer, I hope to get back into blogging. About EVERY LITTLE DETAIL OF MY LIFE. Just kidding. That would suck!