One night a while ago a huge group of bicyclists went riding past my window and they seemed to be endlessly coming. My friend told me it's Critical Mass and they do these kind of bike rides every so often to sort of say "we're here" to other vehicles on the road.
What I instinctively felt was a problem is the style in which they ride--taking up the whole lane on the only 2-lane Mississippi Ave., probably causing most drivers to be irritated and take another street to their destination.
I am a bicyclist! I'm not a ride-from-here-to-Tigard kind of cyclist but I rarely take the bus and I only ride in cars, I don't have my driver's license yet.
I can identify with the pains of both bikers and drivers and how we irritate one another. But basically if all of us follow traffic rules when we are use our vehicles, there shouldn't be problems. Bicyclists who ride in the road where cars do are expected to follow the same laws as drivers.
That being said, there's always going to be bad drivers, and bad bikers. And an even deeper theory is that stupid bicyclists are actually stupid drivers who have had their license taken away, haha! If you can't follow the rules when you drive your car, why would you be any better on a bike? (At least a bike isn't like 2 tons of metal...)
But getting back to the Critical Mass bike-ride I witnessed, my thoughts are this:
What is the point of making our presence on the road known if we are not going to do it in a way that shows we can co-exist on the road?
Why do these rides have to be a big mass of people, clogging the road?
Riding single file and being really organized would make more of an impact, in my opinion. A seemingly endless stream of bikers as you drive down a long stretch of road would still be noticeable and more safe.
Because of how they currently go about things, even with the best intentions, Critical Mass isn't a group that I would get involved with right now.
I welcome any comments or opinions others may have, even if you don't agree with me.
23 October 2007
22 October 2007
Moving on...
It's been a week since I've said anything on here because this past week has one of the most dramatic in my life ever. It ended well, but it began horribly.
I have to learn to be more selective about the people I allow to get close to me. I need to ask myself, Why do I allow awful people to come into my life, and why do I let myself be abused?
The whole ordeal w/ ridding myself of a friend/roommate who turned out to be an awful, violent, and scandalous person is over, and now hopefully I will be able to smoothly move on. I do not ever want to see her again--if I do, I'd probably want to punch her in the face. (And I would make sure to break your nose, bitch.)
One of my relatives said she saw the horrible person who was once my friend downtown a couple of weeks ago, and when she acknowledged her by smiling or saying hello she was returned with a look that expressed something like, Why are you talking to me?
I only wish that I had known sooner what a trashy, tactless person I had become friends with and gotten monetarily involved with. However when I went into the situation, I thought, I don't know her that well, which is a downside, but it's also not like we had a lengthy friendship prior, so if things went sour, good riddance! (Yea, that's right -- easy come, easy go. There will always be more people way cooler and more respectful to be friends with! No tears shed over losing your friendship... I'd tell you that to your face, you wouldn't even have to read my diary. Oh but wait, you already did that.)
So I am going to get over: the heat being turned up to 90 with the windows open, my towels (rather than rags) being used to clean up a barf mess, being locked out of my own bedroom while in the shower and having to get my neighbor to climb through my window, having a bunch of immature, simple-minded insults thrown at me repeatedly, having money stolen from me, having other things stolen from me, having my privacy totally invaded, having had to wake up almost every morning to the smell of pot, not being able to use the bathroom without having a fight over it, and the list goes on.
The important thing now is to get out of this apartment, and move on. Leave the poor design and bad heating system, the ugly brown carpet, the shitty stovetop, ugly grocery store kind of tile floor, bad memories and aesthetically apathetic tenants (besides the homie downstairs) all behind and start fresh. That is the only way that I feel like I can successfully move on.
I have to learn to be more selective about the people I allow to get close to me. I need to ask myself, Why do I allow awful people to come into my life, and why do I let myself be abused?
The whole ordeal w/ ridding myself of a friend/roommate who turned out to be an awful, violent, and scandalous person is over, and now hopefully I will be able to smoothly move on. I do not ever want to see her again--if I do, I'd probably want to punch her in the face. (And I would make sure to break your nose, bitch.)
One of my relatives said she saw the horrible person who was once my friend downtown a couple of weeks ago, and when she acknowledged her by smiling or saying hello she was returned with a look that expressed something like, Why are you talking to me?
I only wish that I had known sooner what a trashy, tactless person I had become friends with and gotten monetarily involved with. However when I went into the situation, I thought, I don't know her that well, which is a downside, but it's also not like we had a lengthy friendship prior, so if things went sour, good riddance! (Yea, that's right -- easy come, easy go. There will always be more people way cooler and more respectful to be friends with! No tears shed over losing your friendship... I'd tell you that to your face, you wouldn't even have to read my diary. Oh but wait, you already did that.)
So I am going to get over: the heat being turned up to 90 with the windows open, my towels (rather than rags) being used to clean up a barf mess, being locked out of my own bedroom while in the shower and having to get my neighbor to climb through my window, having a bunch of immature, simple-minded insults thrown at me repeatedly, having money stolen from me, having other things stolen from me, having my privacy totally invaded, having had to wake up almost every morning to the smell of pot, not being able to use the bathroom without having a fight over it, and the list goes on.
The important thing now is to get out of this apartment, and move on. Leave the poor design and bad heating system, the ugly brown carpet, the shitty stovetop, ugly grocery store kind of tile floor, bad memories and aesthetically apathetic tenants (besides the homie downstairs) all behind and start fresh. That is the only way that I feel like I can successfully move on.
15 October 2007
11 October 2007
Magic 8 Ball
My sister asked the Magic 8 Ball at Gravy if I was going to get this one apartment I looked at and it said "without a doubt."
08 October 2007
Kongo Shock
Clash not SUV

It was so perfect that it came on TV when I was over at her place. We've both seen it a few times now. You don't deserve "Pressure Drop," Nissan!!
Not only are they not worthy to use the Clash in the commercial, but it is also a song by Toots & the Maytals, a group I can't imagine ever endorsing an SUV, unless it was like a limited edition one-of-a-kind super fabulous Rasta themed car or something.
I want to know who the hell allowed the Clash to be used for this purpose!
06 October 2007
Screw you, uncooperative and horrible roommate!!! All of you that I've dealt with!!!
"Gee Liz, you sure know how to pick 'em."
"Gee Liz, you sure know how to pick 'em."
03 October 2007
We're in Libra...
Gawd... Today felt like it lasted an eternity.
Maybe it's because I have so many Libras in my life and school starts at the same time, but this is always a fun and intense time of the year. Lots of birthdays and homework. It used to feel like all I know are Libras. Libra women.

It feels like all the guys I meet are Scorpios. I met this one guy who hangs out at Mississippi Station and ended up riding downtown with him to that choir thing they were having in Pioneer Square (you can see photos on my Flickr), and while we were riding around downtown makin' small talk and such he said something that struck me as sooooo Scorpio, so I asked him when his birthday was and of course I was right. You want to be all mysterious, Scorpio, but you can't hide!
Linda would be proud of me ; ) It's funny because it's said about Scorpio that they are the guy in the group of people who won't volunteer his sign, who has the mysterious or intense gaze, and thinks he's Mr. Mysterious but it's all in the eyes, he gives himself away. (And he's usually hot!) The women, I dunno about Scorpio chicks. Are they all sneaky?
Maybe it's because I have so many Libras in my life and school starts at the same time, but this is always a fun and intense time of the year. Lots of birthdays and homework. It used to feel like all I know are Libras. Libra women.

It feels like all the guys I meet are Scorpios. I met this one guy who hangs out at Mississippi Station and ended up riding downtown with him to that choir thing they were having in Pioneer Square (you can see photos on my Flickr), and while we were riding around downtown makin' small talk and such he said something that struck me as sooooo Scorpio, so I asked him when his birthday was and of course I was right. You want to be all mysterious, Scorpio, but you can't hide!
Linda would be proud of me ; ) It's funny because it's said about Scorpio that they are the guy in the group of people who won't volunteer his sign, who has the mysterious or intense gaze, and thinks he's Mr. Mysterious but it's all in the eyes, he gives himself away. (And he's usually hot!) The women, I dunno about Scorpio chicks. Are they all sneaky?
01 October 2007
The new show Chuck on NBC should be a hit, especially since the Office is already so successful. In a world where an office job is highly common, it makes sense to have more comedy shows taking place there rather than a coffee shop. Instead of Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Chandler, and Phoebe we have Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, Meredith, etc. instead.
My favorite part from Chuck so far is the scene they show in the commercials where the the Nerd car goes down the staircase and these two dopey skater/stoner types are leaning over watching and one of them says, "Uh-oh... Computer emergency..."
My favorite part from Chuck so far is the scene they show in the commercials where the the Nerd car goes down the staircase and these two dopey skater/stoner types are leaning over watching and one of them says, "Uh-oh... Computer emergency..."
1st Cold of the Season... Already
So of course, since school has started, I am not going to write on here as often.
Today I went home a little early from work, because I probably shouldn't have gone in the first place. The aches and pains I was feeling yesterday are probably at least partially due to getting sick.
I have been being responsible and resting... But my throat is dry and my nose stuffed up, and that makes me an unhappy camper!
Nice way to start off the new school year...
Today I went home a little early from work, because I probably shouldn't have gone in the first place. The aches and pains I was feeling yesterday are probably at least partially due to getting sick.
I have been being responsible and resting... But my throat is dry and my nose stuffed up, and that makes me an unhappy camper!
Nice way to start off the new school year...
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