It's been a week since I've said anything on here because this past week has one of the most dramatic in my life ever. It ended well, but it began horribly.
I have to learn to be more selective about the people I allow to get close to me. I need to ask myself, Why do I allow awful people to come into my life, and why do I let myself be abused?
The whole ordeal w/ ridding myself of a friend/roommate who turned out to be an awful, violent, and scandalous person is over, and now hopefully I will be able to smoothly move on. I do not ever want to see her again--if I do, I'd probably want to punch her in the face. (And I would make sure to break your nose, bitch.)
One of my relatives said she saw the horrible person who was once my friend downtown a couple of weeks ago, and when she acknowledged her by smiling or saying hello she was returned with a look that expressed something like, Why are you talking to me?
I only wish that I had known sooner what a trashy, tactless person I had become friends with and gotten monetarily involved with. However when I went into the situation, I thought, I don't know her that well, which is a downside, but it's also not like we had a lengthy friendship prior, so if things went sour, good riddance! (Yea, that's right -- easy come, easy go. There will always be more people way cooler and more respectful to be friends with! No tears shed over losing your friendship... I'd tell you that to your face, you wouldn't even have to read my diary. Oh but wait, you already did that.)
So I am going to get over: the heat being turned up to 90 with the windows open, my towels (rather than rags) being used to clean up a barf mess, being locked out of my own bedroom while in the shower and having to get my neighbor to climb through my window, having a bunch of immature, simple-minded insults thrown at me repeatedly, having money stolen from me, having other things stolen from me, having my privacy totally invaded, having had to wake up almost every morning to the smell of pot, not being able to use the bathroom without having a fight over it, and the list goes on.
The important thing now is to get out of this apartment, and move on. Leave the poor design and bad heating system, the ugly brown carpet, the shitty stovetop, ugly grocery store kind of tile floor, bad memories and aesthetically apathetic tenants (besides the homie downstairs) all behind and start fresh. That is the only way that I feel like I can successfully move on.
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